Artificial Intelligence and Data
Great Decisions 2020 | Topic 8

Global growth is slowing, and not surprisingly, many policymakers hope that AI will provide a magic solution.
Policymakers in many countries are developing plans and funding research in artificial intelligence (AI). Global growth is slowing, and not surprisingly, many policymakers hope that AI will provide a magic solution. The EU, Brazil, and other Western countries have adopted regulations that grant users greater control over their data and require that firms using AI be transparent about how they use it. Will the U.S. follow suit?
Photo by Thomas Peter/AFP via Getty Images
Latest News
AI/Data News
- Here’s where California residents can stop companies selling their data
- U.S. pushes light regulations for AI, in contrast to Europe
- White House proposes guidelines for regulating the use of AI
- AI for AI - evaluating the opportunity for embedded AI in data productivity tools
- Companies, not people, should bear the burden of protecting data
- Ethics In AI: Why Values For Data Matter
AI/Data Policy Options
- A candle in the dark: US national security strategy for artificial intelligence
- AI Policy Challenges and Recommendations
- A Framework for Exploring Cybersecurity Policy Options
- What is GDPR, the EU's data protection law?
Related Organizations
Recommended Readings
AI Supremacy: Winning in the Era of Machine Learning
by Daniel Wagner and Keith Furst
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
by Cathy O'Neil
Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are
by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
Great Decisions 2025 cover image.