International Climate Cooperation in an Era of Geopolitical Turmoil
Great Decisions 2025 | Topic 5
Over the past 30 years, climate change has become one of the central global challenges of the modern era, one that has hugely important consequences for the livability of the planet.
Over the past 30 years, climate change has become one of the central global challenges of the modern era, one that has hugely important consequences for the livability of the planet.
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Recommended Readings
Michael Aklin and Matto Mildenberger, "Prisoners of the Wrong Dilemma: Why Distributive Conflict, Not Collective Action, Characterizes the Politics of Climate Change."
This article critiques the dominant collective action model in climate change policy, arguing that empirical evidence weakly supports the theory, and that distributive conflicts, rather than free-riding, better explain global climate policy patterns.
Bentley Allen, Joanna I. Lewis, and Thomas Oatley, "Green Industrial Policy and the Global Transformation of Climate Politics."
This article is about how green industrial policies are changing global environmental politics by driving technological innovation, affecting domestic and international economies, and increasing competition between countries to lead in green industries, with big impacts on climate action, social policy, and global power dynamics.
Jen Iris Allan et al, "Making the Paris Agreement: Historical Processes and the Drivers of Institutional Design."
This case-based approach helps to understand the origins of the Paris Agreement with a foundation on scientific knowledge, but also offers a unique, historically grounded way to examine questions of institutional design.
Joshua Busby and Johannes Urpelainen, "Following the Leaders? How to Restore Progress in Global Climate Governance."
This article unpacks the scope for renewed progress on climate change by exploring the relationship between leaders and followers.
Jeff Colgan et. al, "Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change."
An introduction to understanding climate politics as a contest between owners of assets that accelerate climate change and owners of assets vulnerable to climate change.
Navroz K. Dubash, "Rebalance Attention from Global Target Setting toward National Climate Politics and Policy."
This article explores how we are behind in emissions reductions progress and the reasons for this, including how attention is being rebalanced to shifting politics and national policies.
Robert Keohane and David Victor, "The Regime Complex for Climate Change."
This article argues that a climate change regime complex has advantages over politically feasible comprehensive regimes, but is still unlikely to lead to meaningful reductions in emissions.
Charles Sabel and David Victor, "Fixing the Climate: Strategies for an Uncertain World."
This book explains why the transformations needed for emissions cuts must rise locally. It serves as a road map of institutional design that can lead to self-sustaining reductions in emissions that global diplomacy has failed to achieve.
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