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In Pursuit of Peace - Paperback

Publication Date:
December 01, 2016
Item #:


NEW BOOK from the Foreign Policy Association Centennial Series Edited by Noel V. Lateef, President and Chief Executive Officer, Foreign Policy Association

Leading policymakers and policy analysts explore routes to world peace: possibilities, probabilities, perils of failure, signs of success. Their essays span more than seven decades, giving a rare look at what has—and has not—changed.

Written by some of the Foreign Policy Association’s most distinguished program partners, this collection maps practical steps in national and international contexts that can move all of us closer to global peace.

From President Franklin Roosevelt, speaking to aspirants of freedom and peace in 1944, to Joseph Nye, discussing U.S. roles in 21st-century peacemaking, to impassioned commentaries on peacemaking by former U.N. Secretaries-General Dag Hammarskjold, Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon: In Pursuit of Peace uncovers patterns of obstacles and openings for progress in global peacemaking.